Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Personal Logo (Part II)

Here's the second part of my Personal Logo Creation:

The above is the series of "rabbits" that I looked at to decide which one I liked best.

This is the final logo I decided on in black and white, and in color.
This logo is for my "graphic design company" called "Maize Designs", or "Maize" for short. The rabbit is composed of the letters in the word "Maize": the ears are the "M", the head and chest the "a", the front paw and part of back paw the "i", the back and back paw the "z", and the tail is the "e". I chose a rabbit (bunny) because it fit the personality and mood I wanted to get across (friendly and a little playful). Also, rabbits are one of the many types of animals that eat corn. Also notice that when you shrink the logo reeaaallly small, the words look like grass, but I'm not planning on using the words in the logo when it is small because the actual logo is the rabbit (btw, the smallest rabbits in the first ones are the final rabbits shrunk with words).

For those who do not text:
btw = by the way
ttyl = talk to you later
# = pretty much anything that is "hash-tagged"
etc. = etc. (et cetera)

... And soooo much more that you can find on the internet if you really wanted to know! Just Google it and someone is sure to have put something about whatever abbreviation you don't know!

1 comment:

  1. Nice bunny. Are you sure it's not the killer bunny?
