Monday, November 4, 2013

Personal Logo (Part 1)

This is my first steps to make my own personal logo:

Branding and Identification Questionnaire:   Personal Graphic Design Company
General company information:
*Company Name (Fill this in) ___Maize____
What product or service does your business offer?   Graphic Design.  Illustration for various companies and products.
Who (age/gender) is your target audience and who is your most ideal customer (economic status/education etc)? (Fill this in)___companies that are starting out or local businesses____
How would you describe your services and/or products? Logos, Websites, Printed design, t-shirts, etc.
Who are your competitors and how do you differ from them?  Other graphic designers. I have different ideas (that’s what everyone else says right?).
Please provide general information about your business. (Fill this in) I’m a free-lance graphic designer and I want to work with small companies or local businesses.
What is the overall mood of the company?  Serious about creating a good product, but open to creative input.

Logo information:   
Your logo will be used in print, website, video media.  (keep this in mind)  SIMPLE, MEMORABLE, SCALEABLE
Fill in ALL questions below
If you want your company name to appear in the logo, what is the exact name as you would like it to appear in your logo? Maize
What is the overall message you wish to portray (serious, playful, etc) ? A little bit playful and friendly, but a little down to earth as well.
Do you have any color preferences? Yellow or green maybe, but no red or pink.
What feeling or message do you want your logo to convey to those who view it? That I’m just trying to help.
Do you envision something techy (squarish, modern) or more organic (natural, soft, roundish)? More organic and natural.


Research and Reference:

What I like about this logo is the animal theme and the color scheme. None of the colors clash too much and it is not just plain and boring. It also has more than one color and has deeper meaning than it first appears (meaning that the fox is encircling the earth showing that it is global).

Again, I like this one because of the animal theme, the colors are similar, but not too similar creating a nice effect. The heart has fur linking the logo to what the business is actually doing, and the images used all fit together like they belong.

I like this one because it is pretty and has a neat effect of appearing both 3-D and partially see-through. Also it is not overly fancy or complicated.\

I also like this one because of the animal theme. I also like its warm colors that go together well, but are not overly bright. It also is kind of simplistic and has some texture as well as a link to the name.

I also like this one because of the animal theme, it also is not too complicated and there is a nice contrast between the colors so that it stands out some. I also kind of like the use of two fonts to make more interesting.

Finally, I like this one because of the nature theme. The colors are good too, but I think that it is a bit too complicated. It looks pretty because of the texture and color, but I think that it would look just as good or even better if it was simpler. There is also a nice contrast between the two fonts in the type.

Yes, yes. I know that most of the ones I liked had animal themes, but those were the ones I liked that I found on Google Images, and three of them are for graphic designers.

By the way most of the information for the "Questionare" is false, so don't take anything that is on there too literally.

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