Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Lyric Typography

This is a typographic image of the first few lines of the popular song "Demons" by Imagine Dragons.

I chose to do these lines because they stood out to me the most (besides the chorus) and I chose this song because its a good song. I chose to express the word cold with a blue swirl with a gradient because that's what I think about when I hear the word cold, a cold wind. For the word fold, I chose to use a broken line as an imitation of a card being folded (as in bent) and I chose the color red, not only because typical cards have red backs, but also because the color dark red is can be associated with longing. The cross for a "t" in the word saints is because saints are usually found in churches and white means purity and gold means wealth (churches are sometimes wealthy). For the word gold I chose to use yellow sparkles because gold is shiny (ooh, shiny) and yellow stood out better than the gold I used for the cross.

For the orientation of the words I tried to keep them as close to looking like actual lyrics as I could and emphasized the words I thought were the most important.

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