Monday, February 16, 2015

My Never Changing Username

Okay, I just tried to change my profile username to match the one on my other blog, but I just can't do it!!!

Something to do with emotional attachment... or something....

I even went so far as to change the name and save it, but it just looked wrong and bothered me that not even 5 seconds later I had to change it back....

Now that I think about it, that's actually kind of embarrassing....

Well, I guess that's kind of what a blog's for, you know, telling people stuff that you may or may not actually want them to know.

Anyway, I decided I'm going to try to continue this blog, but it's not going to be nearly as consistent as the other one. I'm still really busy, but I'll try to start it up again in a few months. I'll try to inform you guys whenever I'm going to put this blog on temporary hiatus again.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. If anybody has any requests for projects that you would like me to do in the future, feel free to put them in the comments and I'll make sure to get to them in my free time.

Until next time!

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