Wednesday, July 30, 2014


So, recently I noticed how boring and unmeaningful (Blogger is saying that I am making up this word... either that or I'm just misspelling it) the name of my blog was, so I've been spending weeks just trying to remember what I wanted the original name to be, and even more weeks trying to think of a good name for it in the first place.

So, the other day I was looking through this spontaneously multiplying pile of paper (I seem to really like long words today), and I found my old list of names that I could use.

 Eventually I selected "Drawing Crafts," partly because of the URL for my blog, and partly because I liked it. Usually I'm pretty bad with coming up with names for things like this, so I tend to choose something completely random (like when I wrote the URL). But, this time I think it turned out reasonably okay (does that make sense? Maybe not).

Well, I'll try to come up with more stuff to post, but for some reason, I can't find those pictures I took the other day (okay, okay, last month). Oh well, I'll still try to post things more often, but I'm not very good with remembering these kinds of things...