Thursday, February 6, 2014

Composition with Brushes

This is a composition with brushes that I made. It took FOREVER, but now it's done, so it's all good. Unless you want to read a big long list of things that I don't know the actual name for, skip the next paragraph, it's not really important.

The techniques I used are tracing with a pen tool, refine edge, quick selection, Dodge and Burn (for carving), creating an interesting background out of a colored background and a picture, cutting out an Aurora Borealis by erasing the edges, adding a layer mask to a layer, creating a group, using the Polygonal Lasso tool, brushing the outside of the selection, adding blurs to objects to add depth, adding flares with a white brush, adding flares with multiple other brush colors, adding some stardust by getting rid of the background using Screen and Levels adjustment, and finally adding more gradients to make it more interesting.

The hardest part was probably the one where I had to figure out what a Pass Through blending mode was, it turns out you can only find that blending mode if you create a group of layers. Otherwise it is not available (the person didn't say anything about that in the tutorial I used).

If you're interested, here's the tutorial:

Annnd here's the original pictures that I used:

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