Thursday, September 4, 2014

New Things

Sorry for not posting for a while, I suddenly got dumped with a lot of activities and wasn't able to get them all done very quickly.

By the way, I've started a new blog with Wordpress, and I'll be posting stuff on it more frequently, but it's slightly different from the stuff on this blog.

Here's the link:

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


So, recently I noticed how boring and unmeaningful (Blogger is saying that I am making up this word... either that or I'm just misspelling it) the name of my blog was, so I've been spending weeks just trying to remember what I wanted the original name to be, and even more weeks trying to think of a good name for it in the first place.

So, the other day I was looking through this spontaneously multiplying pile of paper (I seem to really like long words today), and I found my old list of names that I could use.

 Eventually I selected "Drawing Crafts," partly because of the URL for my blog, and partly because I liked it. Usually I'm pretty bad with coming up with names for things like this, so I tend to choose something completely random (like when I wrote the URL). But, this time I think it turned out reasonably okay (does that make sense? Maybe not).

Well, I'll try to come up with more stuff to post, but for some reason, I can't find those pictures I took the other day (okay, okay, last month). Oh well, I'll still try to post things more often, but I'm not very good with remembering these kinds of things...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Branching Out

Now, most of the stuff that I've posted have been things that were created on a computer using common software. I've been thinking that my blog is pretty boring so far, so I'm thinking of adding more things and branching out into different areas to make it more interesting...

Yeah, I'll just come up with them later...

Thursday, May 29, 2014


This is a poster about deforestation in the rainforest. It is a replica of the original; so I made it, but it wasn't my idea. There was no tutorial.

The techniques I used were the patch tool, messing with vibrance, I selected the birds to cut them out of the original pictures, used layer masks to blend together three different pictures for the background, added drop shadows to all the text, created a box using a selection and changed the fill to about 50% (opacity). Oh yeah, I also used the brush tool to make my selections and layer masks more precise. I think that is all the techniques, but it's already going fuzzy...

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Scrapbook Applied

The following are two scrapbooking templates I found that I liked.

I chose this one because I thought it was cute and I liked the theme.

I chose this one because, to be honest, I was and kind of still am a fan of Pokemon.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Wedding Rings

The follow-up to the Wedding Collage. I think they turned out better than I thought they would at first. The colors certainly look better now than before rendering.

Wedding Collage

This is a simple wedding collage for someone's wedding. That's all really.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Interview Magazine Cover

Here's an Interview Magazine Cover using a tutorial from the book I mentioned earlier.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Eco-Multi-Column Ad

Here's an Eco-Ad once again made with the Adobe InDesign CS5 book. I'm going to stop putting the name of the book I used because I'm getting tired of typing it.

Sporktown Brochure

Here is a brochure for a resort called Sporktown which may or may not exist.
This is from tutorial 2D, from InDesign CS5 (the book).
 Once again, try to ignore the giant gap in the center.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Time Spread Sheet

The following is a lovely Time spread sheet. It's tutorial 2Cfor Adobe InDesign CS5.

Please try to ignore the giant gap in the middle.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Uninspiration Poster

The following is an Uninspiration Poster! Enjoy!

 P. S. There is a disclaimer at the bottom that you should read (you might have to zoom in).

This is from tutorial 1C from Adobe InDesign CS5 (as in the book).

Monday, April 7, 2014

Pop Art

From reality... to pop art.

Here's the tutorial:

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Photoshop Frames

The following are several photos that I embellished with some cool Photoshop Frames I made using some tutorials.

The first one is called Out-of-Bounds:
This one was made using several layer masks to cover and uncover different areas. It also used Gaussian Blurs to make the shadows look better and the opacity level as well as the blending mode were messed with too.

Here's the tutorial for this one:

This next one is called a Leaves Photo Frame:
This one was made by creating a leaf-shaped brush tool and changing the blending modes. I had a little difficulty making the frame bright enough, so I went back over the colored leaf frame and repainted it by selecting and recoloring the leaves with a soft brush.

Here's the link for this one:

And finally, the Illustration Effect:

This one was made by using a Smart Blur and setting all the settings to the highest except for the Mode which stayed normal. Next, another filter was added, the Unsharp Mask and it was complete. I think mine looks pretty blurry because the original picture was a little blurry in the first place, but it still looks cool!

Here's the link:

If you want to look at more tutorials like the ones above, here's a link to a site with a bunch of cool effects:

Now, here are the original pictures:

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Scrapbook Template

So, I tried making a scrapbook template (even though I'm pretty bad at scrapbooking). And I don't think it turned out too bad.

Anyway, I used two different tutorials... One was for making a ribbon effect (I only needed it to create a ribbon that looked like a ribbon), and the other was for designing the actual template.

In the end, I made a mostly red template with five paper layers, one of which is acting as a layer adjustment, and another which is a "ribbon" border. I messed around a little with the opacities and blending modes. Also, I used several gradients and added an inside stroke to the places for the photos.

Here's an image of the template:
And here are the links for the tutorials:

The second tutorial is for the ribbon effect and the first is for the scrapbook template.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Signature Sheet

Here's a lovely signature sheet that I made all by myself (no tutorial!!!).

Here are the original pictures:

Clipping Mask Text

The lovely text made from the photo sheet below.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Adjustment Layers

Here are examples of the many many adjustment layers.

Starting with the original.

I feel like they all kind of look the same, so how about something different.

Color Balance

Channel Mixer
I used adjustment layers on each one, the picture corresponds with the label above it. Each one was relatively simple to use if you know what each one is supposed to/able to do.

Here's a reference link which is very helpful for finding out which one can do what:

Quick Adjustment

And the ducks are back in full force! Just a little bit sleepy, that's all.

Here's the original underexposed picture.
I haven't done anything yet, but the male mallard's tail feathers look like they're glowing, weird.

Anyway, here's the same picture, but with a Shadow/Highlight adjustment. I didn't have to do much for this one, just adjust the shadows and highlights a little.
The link for the tutorial is as follows:

Page Curl Effect

Tutorial Link:


Here's some tape I made using Photoshop.
Here's a picture I found of a calico cat.
And here's the picture of the two combined.

For some reason I feel like this is a little boring... I'm going to try to come up with some more interesting stuff to add to this blog... Well, until then, enjoy!

Here's the lovely link to the tutorial if you want it, may your tape look more realistic than mine does!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Disappearing Chair

Here's the original picture with the chair.
Here's the picture without the chair.
The link for the tutorial is as follows:

Vintage Polaroid

Here is a Vintage Polaroid image I made from a tutorial.

 Here's the link to the tutorial:

Here are the original images that I used (really all the images I used).

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Patch Tool

This is a picture with the Patch Tool applied.
Here's the original picture:
In case you can't tell, what was removed was the unwanted crane in the upper left. And no, I don't know why the colors are slightly different; it just turned out that way.

Here's the tutorial link if you want it:

Content Aware

 This is a picture after I used the Content Aware feature of Photoshop CS5 (or up).

Here's the original picture:

And here's the link to the tutorial if you need it: