Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Post

This is a little holiday design that I did. I used a snowflake tutorial as well as an opacity mask, the pen tool, Google for the background, some bells, and a wreath. I also used the image trace tool and I created a scatter brush using the snowflakes I made.

Here's the tutorial I used:

Monday, December 2, 2013

Cream&Ice Logo and Pattern

The following is a pattern, a logo, and a company logo for Cream&Ice, a product I made up.

First, the Logo:

This is a black and white, and a full color version.

Now, the pattern I chose:

This tiny thing is the original block. Below is the whole pattern together and a little bit bigger.

And finally, the company logo:

Monday, November 18, 2013

Product Packaging

Product Packaging
Define Product Packaging: 
the process of design, evaluation, and product of packages
Wikipedia gives 9 purposes for product packaging.  What are they?

1) physical protection
2) barrier protection
3) containment or agglomeration
4) information transmission
6) security
7) anti-counterfeiting packaging
8) convenience
9) portion control

Rules of Product Packaging
1.    Clarity and simplicity
2.     Honesty
3.    Authenticity (how are you memorable?)
4.    Shelf Impact ( shopper impulse )
5.    Extensibility  ( Can the design be applied to various flavors or packaging )
6.    Practicality

Research and Evaluation

Food Product #1 

  1.  Name of product: _M&Ms_
  2.  Picture of the Product :
  3.  What is the focus of the product packaging? To make an easy to open package.
  4.  What do you like most about the product? It is easy to open.
  5. What do you like least about the product? That it is not resealable.
  6. List items on the product, list all!  {ie:  Ingredients, barcode, picture, Slogan} etc. Items on the product include ingredients, allergy warnings, amounts it contains, barcode, logo, slogan, type, nutritional information, pictures of product, picture of mascot, logo of sponsor, more advertisement for other products, etc
  7. What kind of packaging does it have?  {box, bag, can, etc} Does it have one package inside another? {think of gum} The kind of packaging is a bag, and there is not another package inside.
  8. How many sides of the container are covered with information? Two.
  9. Does it have a repeated pattern anywhere on the product? Yes.
  10. Why would you pick this product over its competitor? It is familiar, and the colors do not clash too much (unlike some product packaging). Also, it’s chocolate.
  11. What age is the audience of this product? Young children to young adults.


Food Product #2
1) Name of the product: __Oreo______
2) Picture of the Product

3) What is the focus of the product packaging? To make the packages resealable
4) What do you like most about the product packaging? I like the giant picture of an Oreo.
5) What do you like least about the product packaging? The fact that it is not really resealable.
6) List items on the product packaging, list all!  {ie:  Ingredients, barcode, picture, Slogan} etc. It has a picture of the product, the name, the slogan, a logo for the company, an ingredients list, a table of nutritional facts, the amount in it, some instructions on it, a barcode, some sponsor logos, and some advertisements for other Oreo products.
7) What kind of packaging does it have?  {box, bag, can, etc} Does it  have one package inside another? {think of gum} It is packaged in a bag, and there is another package inside, but it is just for holding the Oreos.
8) How many sides of the container are covered with information? Four sides of it are
covered with information (the top, bottom and the two longest sides.
9) Does it have a repeated pattern anywhere on the product? Yes.
10) Why would you pick this product over its competitor? Because the package is more familiar and it is more appealing.
11) What age is the audience of this product? Young kids to middle age adults.

Fun Product #1
1) Name of the product: _____Kleenex_______
2) Picture of the Product (Paste here)

3) What is the focus of the product packaging? Making interesting and easy to access tissue boxes.
4) What do you like most about the product? I like the incorporation of fruit with the tissue boxes.
5) What do you like least about the product? I don’t like the triangle design of the tissue boxes, because it means that there are less tissues inside.
6) List items on the package. There is a picture, the logo repeated several times, a barcode, and the weight or mass of the product inside.
7) What kind of packaging does it have?  {box, bag, can, etc} Does it  have one package inside another? It has a box package, and there is no package inside.
8) How many sides of the container are covered with information? Three.
9) Does it have a repeated pattern anywhere on the product? Yes.

10) Does it have a slogan or a motivational saying? If so, type it out.  No.
11) Why do they have a slogan or motivation saying?  None.
12) Why would you pick this product over its competitor? Because the design on the box is cool.
13) What age is the audience of this product? Young adults to middle age adults.

Fun Product #2
1)Name of the product: ____Morgen fugl musli___
2) Picture of the Product (Paste here)

3) What is the focus of the product packaging? An easy to open and sealable package.
4) What do you like most about the product? I like the design and graphics.  
5) What do you like least about the product? I don’t like how small some of the print is.
6) List items on the package. List of ingredients, logo, pictures, description, nutritional info., type, recyclable sign, serving suggestions.
7) What kind of packaging does it have?  {box, bag, can, etc} Does it have one package inside another? It is a bag type of packaging, and I don’t know if it has another package inside.
8) How many sides of the container are covered with information? Five.
9) Does it have a repeated pattern anywhere on the product? Yes.
10) Does it have a slogan or a motivational saying? If so, type it out. 
11) Why do they have a slogan or motivation saying?  I don’t know if it has one, because I can’t read whatever language it is in.
12) Why would you pick this product over its competitors? It has a cute package and design.
13) What age is the audience of this product? Young adults to Middle age adults.