Tuesday, January 28, 2014


This is an IPOD Ad that I made using a lot of brushes and gradients. To create the effects with the brushes, I used color dynamics and messed with the opacities of the brushes; as well as wet edges and scattering.

The following are the pictures I used for the ad:
The bottom picture is the one I used to get the IPOD and earphones (I didn't want to draw it myself).

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Fly Away Hair

This is a picture I compiled from two other pictures, the tool I used was the refine edge tool.

Here are the original pictures that I used:

If you want the tutorial, here it is:


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Compositing With Silhouettes

This is a composition made with a silhouette that I made following a tutorial. The hardest technique was probably figuring out that to make the channel work properly I had to select the inverse of the luminosity selection. The easiest technique was making the padded room look menacing by adding the textures and hues.

Here's the tutorial if anyone wants it:


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Inner Self

This is the inner self that I created of someone.

The techniques I used are desaturation, the Quick Selection Tool, displacement mapping, manipulation of layers, and the Move Tool. The Quick Selection Tool was used to extract the photos of the girl, the wings, and the ram horns (which you can't really see). Displacement mapping was used to make the shadow look more real, and desaturation to make it black and white. I also filled the images I was using with black, decreased the opacity, added a Gaussian Blur, and used the brush tool to connect the girl and her shadow.

The following are the original pictures that I used:

Monday, January 13, 2014

Displacement Mapping

Here's the tutorial for this effect:


Shadow Dancing Girl

This is a silhouette made using selections and fill in Photoshop.

 I used the Magic Wand tool to select the dancing girl to use for the shadow, the Fill tool to turn it black, lowered the opacity, applied a Gaussian Blur, reflected the shadow, used the Move tool to move it closer to the "real" girl, and used the Brush tool to create a link between the girl and the shadow.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Awww. Aren't Mandarin ducks cute?

 This is a desaturation of a picture of a Mandarin duck, see tutorial link below:


Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Some lovely and very fun transformations (including the original pic in the top right corner of the following):
These images include the transformations warp, distort, rotate, skew, perspective, and scale.


This is a lovely VeggieHead (that's what it is called, even though it is made out of some fruits as well).

There is something special about this VeggieHead's name, I bet you can figure it out (it's nothing special).